A student who does not want to earn college credit may enroll for no credit as an auditor. The student must complete the Course Audit Request Form and submit it to the Registrar’s office before the end of the drop/add period as designated by the official school calendar. The drop and add period for fall and spring semesters is the first three days of the semester. The drop and add period for summer semester is the first two days of the semester.
By completing this form and submitting it to the Registrar’s office the student certifies his/her understanding of the following:
- The student must complete all admissions requirements and submit all credentials for admission as required by the admissions department.
- Once this form is submitted to the Registrar’s office, the student cannot request to change the course back to a credit course.
- Tuition and fees for audited courses are the same as for credit courses.
- Student does not receive credit for an audited course; the final grade for an audit course is “AU.”
- Courses taken on an audit basis do not fulfill any certificate, diploma, or degree requirements.
- Credit exams cannot be taken for courses that have previously been audited.